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Platinum Bar & Chain Oil
A bar and chain oil formulated to adhere and reduce wear to the chainsaw’s bar and chain.
Maintain the performance of your chainsaw by using STIHL Platinum Bar and Chain Oil. Formulated with a special oil base, this product helps prevent sap and pitch from clinging to the bar and chain. Its formulation also provides optimal lubrication and reduces wear. Make sure your STIHL product runs smoothly by optimizing its flow with the right bar and chain oil – get STIHL Platinum Bar and Chain Oil. For use with STIHL and all other brands of chainsaws.

Unopened container shelf life: 4 years in originally sealed containers.

Container already opened shelf life: up to 4 years if stored in a firmly closed container, in a dark and dry location, at cool (up to 25°C/77°F) constant temperatures.
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